Best Thing Ahead

In the middle of busy and boring day

Your mind starts to wander


To the memory lane

Going autopilot to the time when it was sweet

But then you get caught up too much in the past

Busy in your head

You’re dealing with the past

Anger and hate come alive again

Feeling it was unfair, about something happened back then

The wound still unhealed, it is still bleeding

You feel the pain again

It shouldn’t be that way, I should have, If only I could turn back the time

Forms of regrets and not letting go yet

Make you restless

Unrealize you’re losing the present

So then, everytime my mind starts to take a flight backward

I tell myself, no thanks, I don’t want to remember

Then somehow I feel better

Because the best thing is always laying ahead

My Own Story

I will make my own story

A really good one

You don’t have to see my struggle

Don’t have to understand my down time

Don’t have to know what I’ve been going through

You are only an outsider, you don’t know me, and you don’t need to

It’s unnecessary

All you need to see is how sparkling my life zone is

How I am so lucky, got everything I want to

Always smiling and never cry

Make you envy me until you wish you were me

On My Own

It was white and breeze

Pleasant weather

The wind blowed, full of hopes

Time flies fast, memories fade

I am happier than ever now

I am getting used to your absence

And you missed many special moments in my life

You were never there, and I become more self dependent

I can feel the freedom to be on my own